Become a licensed Aumivi photographer

Aumivi works together with professional photographers and filmmakers worldwide. Aumivi offers its customers not only the creation of normal 360° panoramic tours, but also complementary services such as photo reports, image films and more. Certified Aumivi photographers must meet minimum equipment and quality requirements.

As a certified Aumivi photographer, you will receive photo and/or film assignments from our clients. The number of photographers are limited per region. The quality of your work will have an impact in the selection process.
You can upload the photos as RAW files to our cloud storage and don’t have to worry about image processing or stitching.

As a certified photographer, in addition to photographing panoramic tours, you can also help expand the regional panoramic tours by providing us with RAW data of aerial panoramas. These aerial panoramas are used in our automated regional Aumivi Worlds, where they can be purchased as panoramas or image sections. A minimum of 35% of the proceeds will then be paid to you per purchase. This way you can also build a recurring revenue source.

Apply as a photographer

Please use your corresponding Google account mail
Tell us here what kind of equipment you use to create aerial and ground panoramas. After we review your application, you will receive a Google Drive share to upload sample panoramas.